viperstudio:2020.12.02 V1.4 暂时取消了植物摆动效果,添置了角色攀爬功能。

2020.12.02 V1.4 暂时取消了植物摆动效果,添置了角色攀爬功能。……于是在invector 插件里找到了V Generic action功能添置。……攀爬功能比想象的复杂了一些,并没有完全吃透,希望第二版V2阶段再度 优化

Samurai Shodown V Perfect

Samurai Shodown V Perfect is the 2nd upgraded version……of Samurai Shodown V (following Samurai Shodown V

V.G. Re-birth

the part of a reporter working on a story about the V.G……, he/she will be paired with Yuka, Tamao or Reimi.V.G……Rebirth Dash:An update to V.G.

最终幻想 V Advance(Final Fantasy V Advance)

5, FFV Advance, FF5 Advance, FFV, FF5, ファイナルファンタジーV……アドバンス, Final Fantasy 5 Advance, Final Fantasy V, 最终幻想……adventure in the finest version of FINAL FANTASY V

Super Smash T.V.

Smash T.V.。发行日期:1992-02-01。……Entertainment System and Super Famicom port of Smash T.V.Smash……T.V. was an arcade game created by Eugene Jarvis and

东方苍神缘起 V(Touhou Soujinengi V: The Genius of Sappheiros)

Blue God Omen, Touhou Souzin Engi V, 東方蒼神縁起V The Genius……《東方蒼神縁起 V》具有经典的老式 RPG 风格

英雄传说 3:海之槛歌(The Legend of Heroes III: Song of the Ocean)

英雄伝説V 海の檻歌, Eiyū Densetsu Faibu Umi no Oriuta, The……Legend of Heroes V: Song of the Ocean。……A remake of The Legend of Heroes V: Umi no Oriuta,

最终幻想 5(Final Fantasy V)

FFV, ファイナルファンタジーV, Final Fantasy 5, FF5, FINAL FANTASY……V, Final Fantasy V, 파이널 판타지 Ⅴ

Start11 v2

Start11 v2 allows users to fully customize the Windows……from previous versions of Windows.New with Start11 v2……are fully customizable from top to bottom.Start11 v2

我与公主骑士及侍女的慢活生活(My Slow Life with the Princess Knight and Her Devoted Handmaiden)

兰德造访商店时,她看上兰德有钱,个性又似乎不错的地方,向仆人商人灌输「如果能让兰德一块雇佣自己跟艾丽的话会赚大钱……」的内容,成功地让兰德雇佣她们俩人。……因为兰德的人品,她对兰德抱持着某种程度的信赖感。兰德 (CV:-)想重操本业的冒险者

版本:Early Access


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