Kidz Sports International Football

Take control of your favorite Kidz Sports characters……• Pick Up and Play: Use the Wii Remote and Nunchuk……Cup tournament, or take on a friend in two-player head-to-head

Kidz Sports: Ice Hockey

Get your skates on and take control of your favorite……• Pick Up and Play: Use the Wii Remote and Nunchuk……Cup tournament, or take on a friend in two-player head-to-head

玩具士兵:完全版(Toy Soldiers: Complete)

Players can battle head to head across games in Complete……DLCThe British are bringing brand new secret weapons……Evil Empire DLCIts time to step into the boots of our

MLB Superstars

throwing motion to get your ball as close to the jack (white……Look at the bubble above a fan’s head to see what kind……the Piñata and reveal the prizes within.Head on into

Art Style: Orbient

In Orbient, players control a white star.……Red stars are bigger than the white.……the star by pressing the A and B buttons on the Wii Remote

Super Metroid: Polarity

Polarity is an exploration romhack where black & white……where it draws its energy from gravity.Collect a brand……new weapon to control the polarity of gravity but


that captures the essence of the beautiful game.Take control……modes, allowing you to challenge your friends in head-to-head……Lace up your boots, step onto the pitch, and lead your

Tunnel Runner VR

Support keyboard, remote control and game controller……graveyard, fiery dragon in lava world, snowman in white

Fantasy Grounds - Devin Night Pack 171: Desert Sands

This pack contains nomadic tribesmen and women from remote……the Tiles mode within the Image Control    (tip: use……the Export image button at the bottom of the Image Control


acrobatic flight tricks with a simple flick of the Wii Remote……, dodge and shoot like an ace with three distinct control……Or, go head-to-head in competitive split-screen multiplayer

版本:Early Access


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