吉他英雄:巡演(Guitar Hero: On Tour)


Guitar Hero: On Tour is a series of music video games……a strap to hold the game unit while providing the player……depending on the region of release, and multiple single-player

Plague Doctor: Contagion 430 BCE–2020 AD


history, Plague Doctor: Contagion 430 BCE–2020 AD is a single-player……Its linear narrative is driven by player exploration……Plague Doctor: Contagion 430 BCE–2020 AD is a video

Typo II


This exciting educational game is by ROMOX, for your Texas……TYPO II is an educational and fun challenger for one player……is a fun and challenging maze game where you, the player

坏旅馆(Bad Hotel)


located within the territory of Tarnation Tadstock, the Texas……system, which creates original music depending on the player……The player becomes a composer, creating complex musical

Operation of North Kingdom


Operation of North Kingdom is a retro game style game……Player has to fight against N.K army and destroy nuclear……weapons facility.Operation of North Kingdom is a retro



The player's point is to make each line's digit sum……substraction (-), multiplication (×) and division (÷) operation……The player's point is to make each line's digit sum

The Attack


发行:Texas Instruments Incorporated。发行日期:1981-02-01。……Originally called "Alien Attack," this game pits the player



发行:Creative Computing Software, Texas Instruments Incorporated……In using two-word verb-noun-combinations the player

武装突袭 2:箭头行动(Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead)


experience and constant engine development, Arma 2: Operation……Wide range of new tutorials, single scenarios and multiplayer……DEDICATED SERVER: To support smooth multi-player experience

Zero-G Revolution


A single player sci-fi Adventure game for VR device.Adventure……One day, critical problem on the operation system by……The operation virus destroys each room and make a emergency

版本:Early Access


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