Moon Bingo

Each space contains a word, and a word appears in the……If the player has a rhyme to the displayed word, they……If there is no rhyming match, the word should be passed

Word Pop: Endless Brain Game

Challenge your vocabulary and speed with this awesome word……Every word you find earns you points and adds more……The longer the word, the more points you get!

Word Party

Word Party is a multiplayer mini-game extravaganza……featuring dozens of different word puzzles.……Up to five players battle it out in a frenzy of word

杉果娘:《战神》独占终成笑谈,育碧深陷性骚扰案 | 杉果好周道

尽管育碧开除了一些被公开指控的员工,并聘请了Relais Expert Conseil来审查员工投诉。……但一些在职和已经离职员工向记者透露,该公司的投诉报告仍像无头苍蝇一样不知去向。……而该小组中来自不同办公室的八名在职员工和一名已经离职员工感慨道:事情不是靠嘴说的,而是要真正的去行动


Synonymy is a non-profit, educational word game narrated……By taking the synonym of a word, and then a synonym……and so on, you can ultimately arrive at any other word

For Honor® Battle Pass Year 7 Season 2

《荣耀战魂®》Y7S2 战斗通行现已上架。收获所有英雄可用的 100 阶级奖励!……使用《荣耀战魂®》Y7S2 战斗通行,参与堕落的盛典,您就能获得 100 阶级的奖励。……Y7S2 战斗通行截止日期为 2023 年 9 月 12 日,不可退款

For Honor Battle Pass Year 7 Season 4

Y7S4 战斗通行来啦。收获所有英雄可用的 100 阶级奖励!仅在 Y7S4 期间推出。……使用《荣耀战魂》Y7S4 战斗通行,加入背叛者的行列,获得 100 阶级的奖励。……本战斗通行开放日期截止至 2024 年 3 月 12 日,不可退款

原始袭变:生存战通行证赛季 3 - 高级等阶(Exoprimal: Exoprimal Survival Pass Season 3 - Premium Tier)

Exoprimal 生存通行證賽季 3:高級階層, 恐龙浩劫:生存战通行赛季 3 - 高级等阶。……※ 生存战通行的等级会透过游玩而提升,并可得到与等级对应的道具。而购买高级等阶将可追加特殊报酬。……每款生存战通行对应一个游戏赛季,而本商品为解锁适用于各赛季的生存战通行之高级等阶

Chalk Up!

Every word you write will give you points and a bonus……Be aware that once a letter is used to write a word……Anyway, if during the game you cannot find any word

Wordsock Classic

Compete in local or online word battles.……mode with or without AI players.Test your scrambled word……to outscore your opponent(s) using word stacking and

版本:Early Access


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