武装突袭 2:箭头行动(Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead)


experience and constant engine development, Arma 2: Operation……Wide range of new tutorials, single scenarios and multiplayer……DEDICATED SERVER: To support smooth multi-player experience

Zero-G Revolution


A single player sci-fi Adventure game for VR device.Adventure……One day, critical problem on the operation system by……The operation virus destroys each room and make a emergency

超级凯撒宫赌场(Super Caesars Palace)


, Scratchers, Horse Racing, Red Dog, Craps, Video Poker……their own degree of difficulty and strategy.Once a player……To add more realism, the player can also visit ATMs

德州链锯杀人狂(The Texas Chain Saw Massacre)


notorious Slaughter family, or their victims, in The Texas……Experience the mad and macabre for yourself in The Texas……Players of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre can finally

Spy Rumble


enemy spy is mixed in with the agents called in by Operation……players together for a discussion.At the meeting, each player……can vote for someone, and the player with the majority

Silver Strike Bowling


mimics ten-pin bowling on a monitor corresponding to a player's……spare and strike in an attempt to produce the best poker

巡航脑锻炼(Brain Voyage)


include clones of Memory or Minesweeper as well as a poker……/solitaire hybrid in which the player's dealt cards……Depending on his score the player then gets rewarded

群马乱斗:额外角色 #1 - Texas(Them's Fightin' Herds: Texas)


TFH: Additional Character #1 - Texas。……公牛 Texas 是 TFH 的第 8 个登场角色,它可是一位身材魁梧的格斗者,打破了块头和力量的记录……- Texas 像素大厅头像

罗杰·克莱门斯的 MVP 棒球(Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball)


Though player names could not be used, the fictional……ones make it apparent who each player represents.……Bash) with Texas' R.

Card Shark Collection


Euchre (US), Deuces Wild and Jacks or Better Draw Poker……Aces Up, Spades (non-partnership variant), Limit Texas

版本:Early Access


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