My War

There are enemy troops around you, and you are a target……There are enemy troops around you, and you are a target

Xtreme Typing

Type accurately and faster than your target words per……Type accurately and faster than your target words per

Simple FPS Aim Trainer

An FPS Aim Trainer for fast and lightweight target……beginner mouse sensitivity that suits you.Drag and Drop Target

任务:太空旅行(Go Mission: Space Travel)

The next target of the Space Pirates is the Earth.……terrorizing our neighboring planets and their next target

坎贝拉猎鹿人 2005(Cabela's Big Game Hunter: 2005 Adventures)

Track your target through mountains, plains, hills,……your prey, get close enough to shoot without your target

幸运玩家(Lucky Player)

in daily fishing, the fish are no longer just the target……player puts in the game currency, he chooses the target……When the small light stops, if it stops on the target

Cascade Tactics

Teleport units into or out of danger.Protect the target……Change the target of the caster withSilencer's Redirect……A Necromancer can raise a Skeleton if the target of


OF COMBATCombat plays out in 3 phases: The "Target……Choice Phase", and "Battle Phase".- Target……4 participants will automatically determine their target

Cyber Manhunt(Cyber Manhunt)

person information, anduse it to log in the target……person,contact with the target person is necessary……person,contact with the target person is necessary

Uchuu Senkan Gomora

B is held down, the D-pad will move a box-shaped target……the screen and A will shoot beam shots toward the target……certain powerups (such as an automatically moving beam target

版本:Early Access


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