托尔金的 《指环王》・卷二:双塔奇兵(Lord of the Rings Vol II: The Two Towers)


Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Vol. 2: The Two Towers……Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Vol. 2: The Two Towers……It uses a top-down perspective.

午夜之火(Fires At Midnight)


.Uncover the story of their relationship from the perspective……of two characters – recalling memories by fiddling……Features:Play from two different perspectives!

新燃烧职业棒球(Shin Moero!! Pro Yakyuu)


The first two Moero!!……, the player can see both from an angle, with the two……Despite this new perspective, the game controls similarly



, where you will live the story of Numi and Yara, two……you will face different problems from the fantasy perspective……, where you will live the story of Numi and Yara, two

Mage Tower, A Tower Defense Card Game


A 2013 adaptation of the card game, released the same……of the 2013 card game, released the same year.……•Two modes: "Random Deck" and "Draft



In this App you can enjoy various card games and others……updates, more games will be added, you can play the card……Monters, it has 440 and several duel modes including two

Lucky Heroes


Find A SINGLE CARD which leads you to the victory.……Lucky Heroes is a very simple and easy card game.……Since the decks are not open to all players, two players

吵嘴(Argy Bargy Legends)


开发:TWO B SOFT。发行:TWO B SOFT。发行日期:2020-07-17。……A collectible card game about a confrontation between

Ancient Sacrifice


RTS x Deck-Building Card Battle!……An RTS-style card game that you can easily play with……Play imageThe game has two parts: the story part and

Draconian Wars


Draconian Wars is the most strategic and challenging card……Every card included in the game.Two different factions……available as you progress in the game.Online mode and two

版本:Early Access


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